Things You Should Know About Dental Crowns
People who have a broken tooth or who suffer a tooth infection may be told by a dentist they need to get a crown. It’s good to know all the facts about dental crowns first because you will have some choices to make in the process.
Dental crowns are artificial caps that completely cover a tooth. They can also be used to cover dental implants. Many times, the crown is done to restore a broken. decayed, or worn down tooth. It can also be used to cover a weak tooth to make it more functional.
Dentists will often put a crown over a tooth after doing a root canal. That protects the tooth from collecting food debris and bacteria. Crowns can also used cosmetically to close gaps between teeth or to reshape teeth.
What Are Crowns Made Of?
A dental crown can be made of one of three things. They can be made from a metal like silver or gold, a composite resin, ceramic, or porcelain. There are a few differences in the materials that you should understand before picking the type of crown you want.
Most people like the resin or porcelain crowns because they look like your natural teeth. Dentists make every effort to ensure the crown is the same shade as your teeth too. No one will be able to tell you are wearing a crown.
The downside of these types of crowns compared to metal crowns is that they aren’t durable in chewing function. They could break or become damaged sooner than a metal crown.
It is interesting to note that metal crowns aren’t completely made of metal. They are made with metal alloys so they can be structured and used for dental work.
Gold crowns are the most costly of the varieties and most don’t opt for those because of the cost and because they are highly visible. However, some dentists will recommend gold crowns for the back teeth because it is the most durable of all the materials. Since the back teeth do most of the chewing and aren’t as visible, it is suitable to use gold crowns on those molars.
Some dentists find the solid zirconia crown, which is a ceramic substance, offers the function and durability of metal without the visibility of gold. They are sturdy enough to chew effectively without breaking or wearing down. Another option is PFM crowns. This type of crown has a metallic frame. That allows the crown to offer a strong bite.
The advantage is these types of crowns look and feel natural. The disadvantage is this type of crown is abrasive, which means they could wear down opposing teeth.
Resin crowns are made from a combination of plastic materials and are matched to the color of your teeth. Some of the resins used include silicon dioxide resin, Polymethyl Methacrylate, and acrylic polymer resin.
Resin crowns are the most affordable of the choices. However, they can also be the least durable and may need to be replaced sooner than some of the other varieties.
You should carefully consider the type of crown you get and know if you are allergic to anything. Some materials in a crown can cause an allergic episode in some people. Be sure to tell your dentist of any allergies you have.
Crowns typically last around 15 years before they may need replacing but some are known to last a lifetime. The lifespan of a crown depends, in part, on the oral hygiene care the patient implements into their routine.
The Process
It once was that you had to have the procedure, like a root canal, done on one visit and come back to get your crown. The dentist would put in a temporary crown to protect the tooth until you came to the second appointment, usually scheduled about two weeks later. A temporary crown coming loose or falling out before you head back to the dentist for the permanent crown is common.
The reason patients had to come back for a second appointment is the crown would have to be custom-made somewhere else. The dentist would take impressions of the area and the tooth, send them off, and a manufacturer would make a customized crown.
Now, many dental offices have the equipment to make customized crowns on-site so patients often can get their permanent crown in one visit. Crowns are always customized to fit the tooth and the space specifically for each patient.
The procedure for installing a crown is routine. The dentist will need to remove some of the tooth’s enamel to rough it up for the crown to stick to it adequately.
Crowns can have some downsides. They can cause an increase in tooth sensitivity and can present a problem with tooth decay under the crown. The crown is covered by a weak or decayed tooth. The decay could continue even with the crown intact. This can also result in gum disease known as periodontitis. You will need to be diligent in maintaining good oral hygiene to prevent this problem.
Sometimes a crown may be improperly placed and poorly fitted. This may throw your bite off and cause discomfort. A revisit to the dentist and having the dentist do repairs can fix the problem. Some people have sensitive teeth after getting a crown. Sensitivity should go away in a couple of weeks. Those who continue to have tooth sensitivity should consult their dentist.
Some dental patients who get metal crowns may see their gums turning grey. This shouldn’t raise an alarm but doesn’t look good. You will need to have your crown replaced with a porcelain version. Depending on your insurance, you may have to pay for the replacement yourself.
Those with damaged teeth, who have had a large cavity, or who think they may need a root canal should call us for an examination. Our dentist can examine your mouth and tell you what the recommendations are for resolving oral issues and restoration including installing a crown.
Your crown will look and feel like natural teeth once our dentist has installed it. Your mouth will look better and be healthier too! Call us for an appointment today.
Cost of a Crown
Crowns come at different prices and the price depends on where you live and the crown material. The average is between $1,100 and $1,300. However, some can cost more than $2,000.
Root canals another other procedures are typically covered by dental insurance but crowns may not always be covered or could be partially covered. Some may stipulate the kind of crown you can get under the coverage.
Contact us if you think you need a crown. We can set up an exam with X-rays and recommend a treatment plan that achieves your goals.
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